I don't want this to come across negative in anyway
b/c i think the Judged Face Offs are the best thing to come about since
I been on this site!! You guessed it, here comes the but....
who are classified have to assume that everyone in our classification
is there because their car and site are equal to everyone else in the
class. If someone has been classified in the same class as one
and one challenges them to a face off, one should not lose the judges
vote due to the fact that the challangee's (if there is such a word)
website doesn't show off their car as well as it should. I could fully
understand losing a vote if there were no classifications and one was
to clearly pick on a lesser car! As we see all too often in the regular
there could be a classified but incomplete section where the
judges can leave a message for the member telling them that they will
be classified as "XYZ" upon remodeling their website to show every
aspect of the car. Or something of that sort??
Anyone feel me on this?
closing I'd like to say thanks to all the members and creators for
making this a KICK ASS site that I am glad I came across!!!