NEW: Here's the new shots I took after the clay bar and wax job. Went with Mother's Clay bar system and then Nufinish polish and finished with Maguiars NXT. Only have 1 coat of wax on her right now but that will change. Check out that shine. Also note the cobra tail lights... these are my first pics with them since I got them at Ennis.
OLD: Here are my favorite pics of the car... I need to do a clay bar job on the paint and some good waxing though the 2 year old paint is starting to show some where because of the daily driving. I'm open to suggestions/tips on this matter and would appreciate the help guys. I've never done it before. Let me know.
These were taken before my old Cervini's R bumper was ripped apart by a small deer or big dog that I ran over... not sure which. All I know is that I knew what happened and I wasn't going to stop to see what happened until I got to a car wash. Man the blood and guts/fur that came off the undercarriage looked like something out of a horror movie.
Those last 2 shots were taken at Fun Ford Weekend in Ennis this last September... that's where I picked up my cobra tail lights... for $100. Not bad huh? Took about 30 mins to do the rewire and bam, cobra tails. I don't have pics of them up yet though.