So today at about noon my sister and I took off for my dad's house. We were taking the Taurus SHO over to get a heater core replaced. I was driving my Mustang, and My sister was right behind me in the SHO. However, as we putted up the hill and around the corner - I felt Ellie jump and I slammed on my brakes. I got out of my car completely dumbfounded as to what had just happened. It felt like my tire had blown out. [at 5mph?]
I looked over and this guy said "DIDN'T YOU SEE ME?!" Well, No. I didn't. I didn't know what the hell had just happened! My sister got out of the car and said "Why did you back into her?!" Then, I walked around my car and looked at Ellie. I almost burst into tears. She is completely smashed. The Honda that backed into me has a broken light and a big gash in it.
I called the apartments, and the police. The police said that they wouldn't come because it was on private property and no one was injured. I exchanged info with the guy and managed to keep my cool. The guys friend was convinced that we hit HIM, although as you will see - the evidence is QUITE on the contrary. When the apartment guy came up, he looked our cars. I made the statement "Well, I hope your insurance is going to cover all the body work that my car is going to need. It's obvious you hit me." They started arguing with me, and I said "Look, if I had hit you - the FRONT of my car would be smashed up. Cars don't F-in' drive sideways! I was almost halfway past you before you decided to back up!" They got mad, called my sister a liar [She's the eyewitness, and saw it all happen.], and then the driver said "I couldn't have POSSIBLY hit you, I wasn't even in gear!"
Well... When you drive a manual.. Your reverse lights don't come on unless you are in reverse. So how is anyone supposed to know you're trying to back up unless you have reverse lights? Hm?
Also, I had the right of way.
If his insurance won't cover all the damage, I am taking him to small claims court. My dad had to do the same thing back when I was little girl for the same thing.