1000 gotstang points to whoever can guess our big news!
Maybe one of these in ya'lls future?....LOL
nope keep guessing
New house?
Im steril, not a kid.
Lets see, it''s silver, topless and supercharged?
I guess I am cheating since I already drove it!
LOL, you win!!!!!!
Nice! Any plans for it?
Small shit... maybe some porting... louder exhaust... want to keep closest to stock as possible.
Still have the other cars to mess around with... KB for Nicole... I was thinking about putting an M112 on the sixer...
That looks awesome!!! Congrats on the purchase.
Such an awesome car!
I'd leave it mostly stock too. Thought about getting a similar car and, if anything, just make the engine perfectly clean and maybe paint/coat a few things. Nothing crazy. It's great how it is!
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