so on the second i had surgery... I had deviated septum, and a pollip .. i have not been able to breathe right for the past 8 months.. i thought it was just a bad cold or sinus problems.. So did my "wonderful" doctor... So after 7 months.. i got tired of it and finally went to a specialist. They told me whats wrong with me. And like i said, the 2nd i had surgery, they said the pollip was the size of a golf ball, and was a huge part why i couldnt breathe. now i am home and bored, hurting and bleeding. I have to flush my nose witha spray every 2 hours, i cant sleep good or anything.. so it just sucks.....i finally got my contacts back in.. i hate wearing glasses, i know prob noone even knew i had them lol.. i was so drugged up from pain killers that day.. it just sucked.. but owell they had to take pics of me LOL