Blogs RSS1969-12-31T19:00:00Z Mustang Communitygotstang.comEXTREME MAKEOVER HOME EDITION 

Extreme Makeover Home Edition                                                                                        is here in Houston,Kemah buliding a home.I got called sunday morning. I helped out from 9am to 3pm.Show should air in a few weeks...My only way to help out those in need.....Enjoy the pics, look who I got to meet!

 A new trophie for my colection.

 bus trip to the site

 walked a block to house.see cranes

 can that be TY, few feet away.this is in the woodwork shop filmed some seens that I got to be in.

 Great guy!

 ]]>Riddickhttp://www.gotstang.com2010-01-11T10:27:59Z2010-01-11T10:27:59Z New YearsHappy New Year                             to all mustangers out there, stay safe.... 

Thank You All that kept Houston in Prayers

Sorry it took solong to get back, still much work to be done with clean up, and working 11 hours a day. The power went out a I got done with the blog that night..

only damage to my house back fence,too lucky this time others in my area lost everything.

the night the power came on tuesday about 9pm...

this is how we lived for a few nights...

the Pres. flow over the house so we were ready....nothing else to dofor a few days..I got into a small accident a few nights after  the storm,   not good

mised the dog but hit the drainage..

This is a prototype of the rim in white, and what it might look like, before some one else comes out with it......

and here is the new rim.........................THANKS AGAIN FOR THE PRAYERS , THE ROD FAMILY

Getting ready for IKEHere are some pic of the crib .  had to stay home, pregnant wife,little girl, neighbor, 2cats 2dogs... 

 man room all stuffed

 Wed. night we did 2 other houses..WE are in Dickinson TEX  of 45 in the path of IKE.Sublime mach down the road, and frosty....ITS 9.29 pm   IKEs  here at 12am

Hunts ]]>Riddickhttp://www.gotstang.com2008-03-06T09:53:09Z2008-03-06T09:53:09Z NEW KNIGHT RIDER....

 It is comming FEB  17....KITT rides again...








There is an old school tv show comming back.. 



lowering springs ]]>Riddickhttp://www.gotstang.com2007-12-06T21:50:01Z2007-12-06T21:50:01Z NIGHT OUT WITH THE BOYS These  are pics of my new crib....

 The silver skull, these badboys are going into my room..

 These are my boys just hanging around drinking cokes, we drank the CORONAS sunday {football}..................STAY SAFE OUT THERE.  MY FREAKS....noe---rod.

