This was so much fun and my hubby said that I was crazy. But I had to do it, people really stare at you when you walk away from your car with a camera in hand and take pictures of something you just got out of.
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This was so funny, we own a car detail shop and we had this boat to clean, I moved my car out of the way and my son said that it looked like I was pulling this big monster. So of course, for "THE HUNT", I had to do it!
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This picture got me the most stares. People stopped what they were doing and just stood there, the buggies from the other sections of the parking lot had been picked up and this was the only one left not done. Well wouldchano, they came out after I got 2 buggies around my car and wanted to know why I was putting them there instead of moving them. I told them I had to do it for the points! Although I declined their help, I didn't want themt to get to happy slamming buggies around my car, know what I mean?
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These were fun too, trying to take a picture without all the background noise was tuff, and making sure that I didn't get me or the camera in the shot. But it was kinda cool. Because if ya'll are like me when you go by a store front you look at the reflection of your hot ride going by!!!