Custom00GT Description - Silver 2000 GT Mustang - custom00gt -
GSM# 004533



Custom00GT Description

updated: May 21st 2006 @ 01:38 AM
I bought my stang on September 30, 2005.... I use to have a 1990 5.0 lx and one day I decided I want something newer sold I sold my stang and went new cae shopping after quite a few let down I was unable to come home with the car I wanted (02 to 04 yellow gt) I had sold my car and was just heart broken so I went into a chevy dealership I know don't say it but I need to build my credit and this was my last hope well after being rejected by all the ford dealerships I walked out with a (brand new) 04 supercharged monte carlo.... not by choice I just pointed to the yellow one and was approved and it just turned out to be s/c I ended up loving the car but from the day I bought it I was set on trading it for my stang... so after about 1yr & 8months I decided to go get what I wanted well I kind of had to settle for a good buy since I was trading in a $30,000 car I only paid on for 1yr. 1/2. So after seeing a  pretty clean all the options sliver vertible (which wasn't what I wanted) but the car was a great buy and ran great I decided we cann't always get what we want at least I'm getting my stang. I brought home my 2000 gt for my birthday my ex painted it for me..... he showed up at my work on friday afternoon (3 days till my b-day) and took the car from me I knew he was going to paint it but not then so it was a nice suprise I got off work and went to the shop to see my baby already pulled apart and getting ready for some color we stayed up till like 1am painting my car he had it finished the same day for me and of course saturday had to rain so it had to stay in the shop one more night but we put it back together that night and on sunday morning we picked it up I cleaned it up and had it home the day before my b-day.
I have a lead foot and a problem with getting tickets yeah those bastards never let me go so I get to pay $210 a month for insurance plus my carpayment and lots of other bills so as of now I don't have the money to build my baby up but it isn't going anywhere and I figure by the time it is paid for I will drop a new motor in it and build it till I cann't build no more. For now I have been thinking I may as well go for some rims and a hood scoop to finish the outside... then start getting what mods. I can afford; the car sounds pretty good I removed the mufflers, have the reverse glow gauages, and the paint.

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Last 3 User Comments
May 24th, 2006 @ 11:22 PM

“” Way cool paint idea - totally makes it unique.  Ranked ya!

May 24th, 2006 @ 11:25 AM


Sweet lookin Stang! Awesome paint job and I know how ya feel about the insurance! I had to pay that high risk rate for quite a few years myself! Gotcha ranked. Stop by sometime and check out my '88 Coupe amd let me know what you think!

May 23rd, 2006 @ 9:16 PM


Nice Stang, ranked ya.

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