Misfortunes - Green 1995 GT Mustang - 9296GTs - gotstang.com
GSM# 001752
old member returning to the world of the Mustang!!




updated: Jul 26th 2005 @ 09:05 AM
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Had to go out of town for about 6 weeks and had a rat make a home in my 96's engine bay.....

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My defense against the attack of the rat....

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This is what happens to your car when you forget to make sure your hood is secure and then go down the road at about 35 to 40 MPH....

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Last 3 User Comments
Jun 25th, 2008 @ 2:26 PM

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I know I will be on post thursday. So I will come down to the Muic around 12. I have CIF @ 1430, that will all work out fine..... lunch and then go turn shit in....

Cool, I am back in the vault now, text me when you get here and I will come out and meet you.

Hey man not goingto make it tomorrow. Flights got changed and will not be back in time. will shot for friday at the same time...cool...

Roger, started taking the car apart last night.

Jun 23rd, 2008 @ 8:07 AM

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I know I will be on post thursday. So I will come down to the Muic around 12. I have CIF @ 1430, that will all work out fine..... lunch and then go turn shit in....

Cool, I am back in the vault now, text me when you get here and I will come out and meet you.

Jun 23rd, 2008 @ 6:10 AM

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Whats up?

Notta. was out in the garage fixing the bumper on the explorer. looks pretty good now if I say so myself.

yeah, next house will have that garage thing.  I would be working on the car now.

yeah have been thinking on how I was going to set up the garage in the new house.

I have to clean out my shed not nearly as much fun as setting up a garage.  Might try to get the fan in today weather permitting. When do the movers come?

they come on the 30th. I have to help my dad put n a new AC at his rental on monday and tuesday. CIF on thursday. Was CIF a pain or did it go smooth for you?

It went very smoothly.  One person takes all of your stuff. Did you get a printout of what they want back?  If not stop by they will give you one, I had the same issue since '00 so it was helpful for me. Do you want to jump on the car this week or do it here?  You need any help getting ready for the movers?

I will have to get back with ya on the car. THings here have changed drastically. As far as the movers are concerned have total control on that.... thanks though.

Yeah so I suspected lol.  I have no clue on the soleniods.  When are you leaving?  Is Alison in the new house already?  I want to hear about this job too.  Are you still at work a lunchtime?  We should have lunch if you are.

Hell no... i don't go no where near that place.... but we can do lunch. anyday but this thursday.... it is quite a busy day....

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Just pick a day and let me know any day is fine.

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