Custom Rear Seat Delete - Black 1999 Cobra Mustang - Crazzy_Al -
GSM# 002360
GS Newbie



Custom Rear Seat Delete

updated: Nov 13th 2005 @ 01:20 AM

Music Video Codes by

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Since I didn't see any articles/tutorials/write-ups on how to do a rear seat removal on a 99-04 Mustang, on this site, I thought I'd write one up. Enjoy...

You will need:

Flat-head Screwdriver
15mm Open-Ended Wrench
10mm Socket
8mm Socket
1/4" Drive Rachet
A little bit of patience

Step 1:

Find your back seat...

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Ahhh, there it is. (yes, the indentations on my seat backs are front my seat belts...I always have the seat backs cool the amplifiers)

Step 2:

Locate the tabs at the top of the floor board and below the seat lip that hold the seat down... (see green arrows)

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Step 3:

After you find the tabs, push them in with a screwdriver and lift the rear seat up... (see green arrows)

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Step 4:

Remove the tabs. You will need an 8mm socket and a 1/4" drive socket to do this... (this will alow your rear seat delete kit to fit flush with the carpet when it's installed)

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Step 5:

Remove seat backs. You will need a 15mm Open-Ended wrench to do this... (in order to access these bolts **outside only** you will need to pull the leather away at the far bottom left **passenger's side** seat and far bottom right **driver's side** seat.)

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Step 6:

Remove the entire seat brace... (see neon green box)

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1-10mm bolt on each side...

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and 3-8mm bolts along the top

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And then 2 more 8mm bolts along the top, under the large hear rest you just removed (yes, I forgot the green arrows...but if you really need them to understand this, have your smart cousin do this whole thing for you! )

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Pull the whole brace out...

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**I had all of my stereo and nitrous line and wires run into my truck and they went OVER the brace...well...when you take that brace off, it's one big piece, and it's welded together. So you can do 1 of a few things...

1.) Break the brace and slide the wires out
2.) Cut the brace and slide the wires out
3.) Undo most/all of the wiring, take the brace out, and wire the stuff back up (I did this one)
4.) Say "PISS ON THIS" and put everything back together.

Here's what it will look like after the brace and seats are off... (minus the metric ass load of A/V equipment)

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A little less than half-way done...

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Here it is! Here is the finished product of my one-off rear seat delete kit. My buddy and I got a little carried away, and we made this way more involved than it needed to be, but the finished product was well worth it...or so I think anyways. We carpeted the floor boards, made the bench part of the kit 3 seperate pieces (to allow the bench to flip all the way up vs hitting the bottom of the arm rests on the far sides of the rear) put a perfectly level window in the wall, and carried some of the carpet and design into the trunk. Enjoy...

Carpeted underside and floor boards. Makes for a VERY nice area for extra more shit in my trunk!!!

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Perfectly level and flush window on the back wall. (meets right up with the top of the custom amp rack.) Almost makes the amps look like they're floating...

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And wait...what are those? Are those...why yes they are...raised letters under the carpeting to set the whole thing off.

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Oh, by the way, the part of the bench that lifts IS perfectly level and lined up with the two side pieces. When I took the pic I didn't realize that something had gotten caught up behind the RSD and pushed it a little bit forward. The kit came out better that I had hoped and expected.

Page 1: Pix of my Cobra
Page 2: Few cars in my car club
Page 3: Stoney Creek Shoot
Page 4: Custom Rear Seat Delete **You are here**
Page 5: My Angels and Me
Page 6: Halloween Bash 2005

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Pix of my Cobra77234 views
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Custom Rear Seat Delete2170 views
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Last 3 User Comments
Mar 7th, 2008 @ 9:22 AM


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Gave ya a 10. Beautiful car and cute daughter she likes mustangs already that good

Apr 17th, 2007 @ 8:01 PM


Nice snake you got my dime.  Can't wait to get my bottle in.  Come check mine out when you get a chance.

Mar 29th, 2007 @ 4:20 AM


Gorgeous BLACK Mustang you have there!  Ranked ya big!  Hit me back when you get a chance.  Look me up on Black Mustang - and join up if you're not on already!!!

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