The Story - Custom 2003 GT Mustang - Se7en -
GSM# 003768
GS Newbie



The Story

updated: Feb 15th 2006 @ 05:58 PM

    My story dates back ALL the way back to July of 2005. I had just gotten through with a dinner at Kobes steakhouse with a bunch of friends and was on my way to another city to pick up my sister from the movies. I was on a busy road in FL (436) and was passing an intersection and another driver turned from the opposite direction but turned directly front of me, so needless to say, I hit them. When I became concious again, there wer flashing red and blue lights surrounding me, my car had made a 180 degree turn,  no more windshield, and a smashed up engine bay. The result = burns from the airbag, a totalled car, and a broken arm. This all by the way was in my last car, 97 mitsubishi galant. Anyways, spent 3 night and 2 days in the hospital, and came out with a 6 inch scar on my arm and a plate and 7 screws in my bone. SO, after I got around to buying another car, I had quite a bit of money saved up from working and a few thousand from the accident of course. Bottom line, once I set eyes on my girl, and never took them off. Bought her in early September of '05 for $18K not even knowing how to drive 5-spd. Must say, best decision of my life!

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Just pictures I have of my mustang.4506 views
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Interior of the mustang1245 views
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Other mustangs with my own.1071 views

Last 3 User Comments
Nov 13th, 2007 @ 5:59 PM


got ya ranked. stop by and check out my GT, and return the favor

Apr 5th, 2007 @ 11:46 AM


Nice Stang!!!  Ranked ya big!!!  Hit me back when you get a chance...

Feb 24th, 2007 @ 2:30 PM


That is a SWEET  Gt you have there .. i love that color combination .. it really makes the car stand out .. got ya ranked a dime

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