Mustangs West Events - White 2011 California Special Mustang - blueponygirl -
GSM# 001914
100,000+ miles!



Mustangs West Events

updated: Feb 23rd 2006 @ 01:16 AM


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Cruise to Snoquamie Falls...

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Halloween Party!!

Here is Jim (Spike) as the "boxing promoter ghost"

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Jim and Judy (Jimudy) are sitting the background... I have a video of Jim dancing...ha ha

Jeff as my cowboy!!


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Sara (Latte) as grumpy bear dancing with Taylor (meenep) and David (sexysilver) as the cheerleader!!

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The Mustangs West Golf Tornament... (here is a pic of me attempting to golf!)

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These are from the 4th of July Picnic... Jim was trying to get us all together for a pic before everyone left!!

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andd here is me and Jen (silverandbluemustang)!

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Last 3 User Comments
Jul 21st, 2009 @ 11:15 AM

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Hey folks, I was wondering if someone out there with an 88-93 Fox convertible could do me a favor.  I am looking for a picture of the of the ‘A’ pillar post window weather strip showing the weather strip and inside trim molding (the molding on the inside of the pillar post) and another detail picture of where the pillar post molding meets the door seal molding.  I am redoing this and need an example – my car was repaired long before I purchased it and they kind of did a ‘custom’ job on this area.  I want it to be right this time.













 what is your location I will let you look over my car and take the pix you need



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I appreciate the offer but I am trying to get this wrapped up for a show this weekend so not time for a visit.  I think I have my anser though.  Found out the re-man parts are different than stock.  Not the best answer for originality but it will work.  Thanks for the offer.

- Tim

Jul 21st, 2009 @ 9:19 AM

Replying to:

Hey folks, I was wondering if someone out there with an 88-93 Fox convertible could do me a favor.  I am looking for a picture of the of the ‘A’ pillar post window weather strip showing the weather strip and inside trim molding (the molding on the inside of the pillar post) and another detail picture of where the pillar post molding meets the door seal molding.  I am redoing this and need an example – my car was repaired long before I purchased it and they kind of did a ‘custom’ job on this area.  I want it to be right this time.













 what is your location I will let you look over my car and take the pix you need



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Jul 20th, 2009 @ 8:18 AM


Hey folks, I was wondering if someone out there with an 88-93 Fox convertible could do me a favor.  I am looking for a picture of the of the ‘A’ pillar post window weather strip showing the weather strip and inside trim molding (the molding on the inside of the pillar post) and another detail picture of where the pillar post molding meets the door seal molding.  I am redoing this and need an example – my car was repaired long before I purchased it and they kind of did a ‘custom’ job on this area.  I want it to be right this time.








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