My doggies! - Black 2000 Stage 2 Roush Mustang - 1BadRoushChick -
GSM# 000024
GS Newbie



My doggies!

updated: Mar 14th 2005 @ 09:22 PM
From left to right..
MoMo (teacup Chiuahah)
Simba (Shih Tzu) don't ask what he was doing in this picture he was in the middle of rubbing his back on his bed...dork lol
Katja said Kati-YA (Minature Pinscher)

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This is Bonita (Chiuahah) but overweight, just like the others with the exception of MoMo lol

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Here is Katja and MoMo sharing the bed, usually there are like 3 of them piled on it even though they all have their own, who knows...

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Last but not least here is Bonita, MoMo and Simba finally sitting still for a picture

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Last 3 User Comments
Jan 11th, 2008 @ 11:11 AM


got ya ranked.stop by and check out my GT,and return the favor.sweet stang.

Dec 21st, 2007 @ 10:21 PM


got ya ranked. stop by and check out my GT, and return the favor

Sep 28th, 2007 @ 6:59 AM


Love the ride im totally jealous! LOL

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