The Green Stang! - Green 2002 mustang Mustang - mormonstang -
GSM# 000344
GS Newbie



The Green Stang!

updated: Jan 10th 2006 @ 07:06 PM
Ok I have pictures of my car but they all suck so when I get my car fixed I will put them up. But for right now I will just tell you about me. I work at wal-mart in the produce department and I plan in getting into the film business hopefully as a director but an actor would be ok to. I will keep you updated and thanks for checking out my site .

I am planning on getting a roush front bumper anyway mine is broken so that should be some time next month so for now here is my signature picture for

So as you can see I changed my plan and got a 03/04 cobra bumper instead. I am going to get some rims when I get my tax return, so you don't have to tell me how badly I need rims hahaha. I also got some 03/04 cobra mirrors and 50% tail light tint.

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The Green Stang!3910 views

Last 3 User Comments
Aug 29th, 2007 @ 12:24 PM


Nice Stang! Check out my Roush BlackJack when you have a chance.

Mar 7th, 2007 @ 4:59 PM


Ranked Ya!  Come check out my stang and please rank me back.

Feb 23rd, 2007 @ 4:46 PM


dropped ya 10! beautiful car and awesome site! hope u check out my site. added a few things it has a couple of vids check it out  thank you for your time, votes, and support. hope you are having a great week  hope you like all my videos on the various pages

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