Engine Progress - Red 1988 Lx Mustang - spiffy - gotstang.com
GSM# 000206
2.3T Boost Goobler



Engine Progress

updated: Apr 23rd 2009 @ 08:22 PM
Well first I bought it.

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Then I took that mofo apart to check it out!

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I was SO releaved when I opened it up all the surfaces look great, all the bearings are standard, man these pistons are BEEFY. Can't wait to pound the boost on them these pics are just to give you a idea of where I'm at Ill put more up soon though, my next step is to clean it all up buy new bearings and build back up to a short block
6-06-05 << I'm going to start dating this now, anyway I cleaned the pistons! they look great!

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Next on the cleaning list is the crank and block.

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6-07-05 I JUST ordered the new rings and bearing and core plugs they should be here by next week then next week, I think Ill order some engine paint and my header .

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Every thing that's suppose to be there is there , so after I'm done cleaning and honing my engine block witch I plan to start this weekend, then it will be time for paint .

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Core plugs, rings and bearings mofos!! Short block assembly just around the corner ^_^.
GUESS WHAAAAAAT! Im biding on ebay guess what it is! Ill show you when I get it ^.^ stay tuned *most of you will probably figure it out anyway *
ITS HERE! did you guess what it was I was biding on? If you guessed a header you are correct .

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Everything that's suppose to be there is there .

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 I got this for $227.16 with shipping and if you have seen the other header options for this car, that is CHEAP. Always look for the best deal you can .

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There are braces in a few spots if you haven't noticed, they look pretty good to me.

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This area looks a little crude but nothing a little grinding and polishing wont fix if your really worried about it witch I'm not.

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Over all when compared to stock it is a great improvement and I am totally happy with it .
For those of you who like to tune in every so often to check up on my progress there wont be any updates until October so tune in October there is going to be ALOT of update action to look forward to if all goes well .
Right on track! Probably will do a big update at the end of this month.
Well every thing is still going good, ahead of schedule so far so here is a preview of things to come.

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10-13-05 2 weeks to go check in on the 31st

11-02-05 GOT DANG IT! I HATE DELAYS I'm sorry people, ran in to some money problems so I wont have it in for about 2 weeks, however I WILL have an update after this weekend for sure.

11-08-05 Probably wondering where that update is huh, well thanks to more delays I don't have one. So Ill just update it when things start going right again.

12-15-05 Well things are going good again this weekend im doing the swap and I should be on the road Sunday to start breaking the motor in (1000 miles) so stay tune for pics and not long after that, video .

12-19-05 DAMMIT!.. just dammit ..dammit i hate snow, until future notice.
3-2-06 Hey people whats up I haven't updated this in a while as you can see, nothing has been going as Iv planned in a long time Iv bought a few new goodies for the stang but haven't posted pics cause I need a new camera witch Ill get soon enough. I got the old 2.3 out and ready to put the turbo beast in just haven't been able to do it yet, so whenever i get that thing in and running there will be a BIG update, and hopefully soon. So until then I'm not updating anymore.
5-16-06 Ok people I know I said I wouldn't update till I got it running and it's not, but i have good news. Last week I toed my car home and all my stuff from my "buddy's" garage that was SUPOSE to be helping me with tools and the use of his garage SUPPOSE TO BE, anyway I busted my butt thursday-sunday and got the engine the rest of the way together and in the car also did all the wiring and fuel pump so im 90% maybe 95% done just a week or 2 from now the BEAST will breath, so here is a small update of pics. Oh and btw SORRY IF I HAVE NOT RESPONDED TO COMENTS RATINGS OR MESSAGES I HAVE NOT BEEN ON HERE FOR A WHILE SO ILL GET BACK TO YOU ASAP =D.



got to love jack stands...

my new toy \"smile\" sorry about pic quality ...

Just to give you a idea of things to come.

Sorry another crappy pic but there is my fuel pressure regulator.

Not to much longer to go now.
A little closer.

Check out the polly engine mounts, I'm going to finish tightening them up tomorrow. I'm goign to have more time now that I graduated today from lincoln tech...
Well folks, that's all for now Ill be updating again soon.  
Starting to get the idea huh =D.

Cant WAIT to bring my monster to life and make some vids MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *THUNDER AND LIGHTNING*
After a 3 day vacation in ocean city I got back to work.
 Pretty frickin sweet I think, some of that is mock up (piping, fan, radiator, radiator hose's).
How many times can I say, I CANT WAIT!
FINALLY! I got the oil feed fitting today (excuse my sloppy teflon job).   
Check out this sexy braided line! Took me FOREVER! to get this thing tight and its not touching the header!
One of the few things left on the to do list, the lines from the oil cooler adapter to the oil cooler.   
Sexy lol.
Thats all for now folks =D
hey there people, sorry for the delay my internet connection is gone because I  moved and it wont be up for a bit,  the stang is ready to fire up. Ill be doing that tomorrow and as soon as I can ill have updated pics and hopefully some vid up, until then, see ya!
WHATS UP PEOPLE! THE BEAST IS ALIVE! Here are some updated pics Ill have vids and all that good stuff soon  now that I got my movie maker working again I already have some stuff that's just about ready to post, mostly teasers for the good stuff though.
i Can't wait to see this sucker read 16psi.
I  still need to wire the lights and ill get a oil temp, a fuel pressure gauge and a radio after I get this new job and have more money.
Pretty sweet I think.
I  have more pics I  have to post up for the piping.

There more pics and a nice story to go with this down pipe Ill post that later.
Yeah it was loud lol.
Simple set up sounds nice though.
Hose popped off at 5psi on the highway Ill show more to do with this later.
I have more stuff to put up but im short on time so ill catch ya later, stay tuned.
So iv been tinkering around with the stang...
.. not hard to tell huh.
It looks alittle different from these pics, I did this a few days ago now there is heat wrap and I got rid of most of those crapy couplers I had.
Just updated with the look of the heat rap, I'm going to redo this page along with most of the others soon.

See those blue couplers? THEY SUCK A** Iv replaced most of them with the good stuff and the rest is being replaced tomorrow.
That's all for now folks.
GUESS WHAT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!  I HAVE AN EXHAUST LEAK  but its cool cause I'm getting it taken care off soon. The block off plate I had made for my external wastegate port was to thin and it warped, so off to the yellow pages I go and Ill have a new one made.  
Hey hey! wasn't an exhaust leak, at least not in that spot, but GUESS WHAT! my frickin wastegate actuator diaphragm wasn't pulled tight enough, so I tighten it up and ta-da! boooost! Frickin awesome, also I did a tune up with MOTORCRAFT, runs better then ever now.
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm making 15 psi at 3000 rpm at wot thanks to my boost controller and it is frickin awesome! im going to probubly raise it to 16 or 17 for now the stang is running better than EVER! I'M FRICKIN READY TO EAT SOME RICE!!!! MAUHAHAHAHAHA!, hey sorry haven't added pics or updated other pics, my sister took my frickin camera, I have it back now but I haven't gotten the link cable  so I cant upload >.<. Anyway i have a video camera too ^.^ , going to hunt down a vid capture card soon.
20 psi achived \"smile\" no pinging, however I think I am running a bit rich but I wont be able to tell until I get my hands on a wideband o2 I know I'm not lean tho and that's more important at the  moment, good  thing I know someone with a wide band huh.
 So here is an idea of somethings Id like to do in a few months, i could get a ported head for about 500 bucks, that should be good for about 30-40 hp for me but Ill have to check it out first. Theres a guy I might be able to get in contact with that i can get a cam and some roller followers from, Id make a wild guess and say the cam would get me 15 hp at the least, I'm also going to work on geting the 8.8 installed with a fresh set of 3.55:1 gears and some upper and lower control arms, and finaly Id like to see some dyno numbers, I think that kinda sums it up.
!!!!!!! Guess what! I'm retarded!! due to a misunderstanding I set my timing wrong! Its retard compared to what it should be! Its been pretty sluggish and it was really pissing me off to say the least but a bud helped me see the light and if it wasn't so late and cold outside Id run out there and set it right now! I cant wait! "Timing is easy!" yeah, yeah, yeah, this is  learning experence for me and I just learned something! Ha! Anyway this is typed so frickin big cause I'm so frickin stoked AHHHHHH! I wish it was tomorrow so I could set it >.< stay tuned!!
Check it out, this is what it looks like now and a few small mods, notice the radiator difference in the pics, it leaked so I bought a new one and installed it.
Check it out :-D my forge bov! Sounds frickin sweet too I got good a price deal on that, you might be able to tell, I replaced all those crappy blue cheap-o couplers.
Here is my gillis manual boost controller I turned it up from 10 psi (my waste gate was supose to be 15 but i guess they sent me the wrong one) to 15 at the moment, I had it at 20 before my timing reset so I turned it down, Ill slowly work my way up to 20 psi again I just don't want to  hurt anything, it moves pretty darn good now :-) but I need to get my hands on a wideband so I can get my extra 35-50 hp/tq (depending on charge air temp) for my 20 psi goal that i intend to re-achieve :-).
I'm ready to eat some rice!!
Yesterday I did indeed get my hands on a wide band, a LM-1 to be exact, a close family friend assisted me in tuning my a/f ratio (also owner of the LM-1), we didn't get to test like i would have liked but we ended at 20 psi boost and a 10.8 a/f ratio. The reason we didn't get to test like I would have liked is because my spark plugs where pretty much done for, they started to "blow out" at around 17 psi, so I tossed those out and put in some NGK TR6's today and gave it a stab on the highway, they work just fine :-D, this weekend if its not raining Ill head back to his house and see if I can lean out to about 11.5-11.8 maybe pick up a few horse's while still in the safe zone, then after that Ill need to pick up some tires and head to the dyno :-D!!
Well.. I blew it up, the head gasket that is, and slighty melted a pistion, so what now? What else! I sent the head out for porting and  geting a cam installed, i think ill pull another bottom end out of a 2.3t car like a Merkur XR4TI or Turbocoupe if I can find one in the junk yard and freshen it up, if not Ill just buy new rods a pistions. Anyway Ill have pics up of the carnage soon and Ill keep you posted.
Guess what I did, I pulled a bottom end out of a 87 Turbocoupe, I think it cost me 100 bucks I cant remember, it is in EXCELLENT shape. As I said above the head is getting ported I get it back at the end of the mouth, also Im getting  the intake manifold ported, and port matched. getting a bigger TB (65mm) instead of the dinky 50mm I had before. and a few other goodies. Deadline is end of september and all is looking well. If you want to see the carnage go to the vids section and check out the second clip. Here are a few bearing pics.

In the first pic its easy to see where the bearing made contact (actually this pic sucks) with the crank from the detonation. I think the only reason it didn't spin was because of the AMSOIL, ether that or the fact that the car shut off shortly after I noticed the HUGE blinding cloud of coolant steam behind me.
not really much of a low budget project anymore but what ever I'm still having fun :-D.


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Last 3 User Comments
Oct 10th, 2010 @ 1:31 PM

“” where im from. anything that has 4 cyl is declared a ricer. no matter if it has turbos, s/c, etc... because they see it like this, if a honda civic has 4 cylinders and a set of twin turbos and n2o and a fox body mustang thats 4 cylinder with the same set up, they are the same. therefore called ricers, thats the only reason i said it like that, im not trying to offend you in any way but thats just how i grew up and what cars like yours are called around here.

Oct 7th, 2010 @ 11:01 PM

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but why a 4cyl? why waste the money on a 4banger when you can buy a 302, stroke it to a 347 or something, and turbo it. youd get twice as much or more Horses and spend the same amout of money or less....? i just dont get it.
Originally this was just going to be a swap, stock for stock, just the stock turbo coupe engine just for some cheap extra power untill i got the money together for the v8 build i wanted to do originally. But the more i messed with it the more it grew on me, i spent a far amount of money so far but nothing crazy. there are those who have gone faster with less money then i spent with 2.3t, this car will run a 12, and when im done this new set up ill be in the 11's im sure. You would really have to mess around with one of these to really get it. when i first heard about them i brushed it of pretty quick, but then once i saw the potential of these little engines  and how rediculously cheap and easy it was to start off i couldnt resist, also i was pretty broke at the time. if i took the money i spent on this engine and put it toward a v8 i dont think i would be making much more power. Its a hobby.
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aight man, i kinda see why ya did what ya did now. i like it anyways, even if it is a ricer on STERIODS. HAHA. nice have a good one.

Oct 3rd, 2010 @ 7:33 PM

“” but why a 4cyl? why waste the money on a 4banger when you can buy a 302, stroke it to a 347 or something, and turbo it. youd get twice as much or more Horses and spend the same amout of money or less....? i just dont get it.

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