so im now married currently with a little boy on the way due 2/25/10 and do to a couple diffrenet reasons i traded the mustang in on a 2006 acura tsx well with less then a week into it one of the salesman had been driving it and put a couple bottles of nitrous though and never checked the oil level ended up running it out of oil and spun a couple bearings. well so the dealership is putting a stock engine in and has already took almost all the aftermarket parts off the car so she is no longer. just to let everyone know. sorry it happened the way it did but it did.. ill build another oneday and better next time..
My Pride and Joy
sorry i havnt been on in so long as you can see ive been busy.. here is some pics to tease you though.. hopefully ill make it on more here shortly
my new rims
Some pics i took today with my more recent 03/04 cobra rocker panels
mustang cruise/lunch & photo shoot
Parking Garage pics
PICS from behind destin golden coral during mustang cruise
me and few stang buddies g2g
us by the carwash
i found a spot by the marina
at the marnia
the boat wanted in the pic
constuction area
Under the bridge
by the beach
at the pier
later that night.
some pics at the pc marina