1990 LX 5.0 Notch - Color 1990 LX 5.0 Notch Mustang - 1stocknotch - gotstang.com
GSM# 002554
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1990 LX 5.0 Notch

updated: Aug 24th 2005 @ 09:43 PM
This 1990 LX 5.0 Notch was stolen one day before my friends 1 year anniversary of ownership. The car was only driven 14 miles before the thief grenaded the automatic transmission. The driveshaft was never found and the transmission was broken in half. The Transmission Shop stated that the crook most likely power shifted the transmission from low gear all the way up and must have shoved it into reverse. Mind me the Washington State Patrol found this car on the freeway. I know...One dumb thief! The other damage was the door lock was punched in and the ignition was ripped out by a slide hammer. My friends Insurance totalled the car out. This suprised me because this car is as straight as a new car! The salvage value to buy it back was for $500.00 My friend told me he'd sell it too me for that price. I quickly wrote the check! We have repaired the car and took it to a Judged Carshow and it received 2nd.place back in May 2005.

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1990 LX 5.0 Notch2874 views

Last 3 User Comments
Mar 23rd, 2008 @ 9:08 PM


got ya ranked. stop by and check out my 03 GT when you get a chance

Apr 25th, 2007 @ 1:45 AM

“” Nice Stang!!!  Ranked ya big!!!  Hit me back when you get a chance!!!

Jan 31st, 2007 @ 1:01 AM

“” dropped ya 10! beautiful car and awesome site! hope u check out my site. added a few things it has a couple of vids check it out  thank you for your time, votes, and support. hope you are having a great week  hope you like all my videos on the various pages

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