About Me and My car. - Black 1998 Cobra Mustang - 2092CobraMadeIn98 - gotstang.com
GSM# 006574



About Me and My car.

updated: Jun 18th 2008 @ 11:47 PM

 Hey and welcome to my page. My name is Jeremy Angel and I in South East Michigan. I'm 21 years old and I have a semester left in college. I just got done with my Criminal Justice Degree and have two more classes for my Homeland Security Degree. After I get the degree I'll be looking into becoming a police officer for a few years then pursue into my dream/goal of becoming an agent and working on the Counter-Terrorist Task Force.
I bought my Mustang in the summer of 2005 and have loved life ever since. I've done some things to my car which I don't like but, other things I've done that I've love. You will be able to see pictures of the car stock all the way to how it currently is. I recently got my car painted to a dark charcoal gray. I wanted something light but also dark and that color was my final choice and I'm happy I decided to chose that!
Down below on this page I have some pictures of non mustang car related. I appreciate you stopping by.
Take Care and Drive Safe.
Jeremy Angel
Personal Pictures.

With my brothers dog.
After my first tat. It's the South Carolina flag.
My whole world and I.
Letting her drive the new 350


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About Me and My car.4809 views
History1472 views
interior pictures1322 views
Exterior Pictures1294 views
The way the engine looks1227 views
What I want to do with my car.1203 views

Last 3 User Comments
Jun 22nd, 2008 @ 6:48 AM


i see your living in michigan, i can see why you would like to go to a warmer winter place. iam from michigan and iam getting tried of winter. i think you see why if you go to my website and view page 10. talk to ya.

Jun 22nd, 2008 @ 6:43 AM


nice car!! got ranked. if you were asking for constructive opinion on the cobra on the passenger dash I probably would put it just above that in the curved part. Where you have it the airbag comes out. But it still looks good where you have it.

May 30th, 2008 @ 11:28 AM


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