Photoshop Fun Photos - Red 1999 Mustang GT Mustang - Gomey1 -
GSM# 007235



Photoshop Fun Photos

updated: May 7th 2009 @ 09:52 AM


I was playing around in Photoshop with images, trying out differnet filters. I like this because it reminds me of a comic book. It also reminds me of how a person can take a black and white photo and color it with inks. These are just a few of the ones that I liked.
These photos are not new. I just played around with them in Photoshop in order to get different looks.

The filter below is called notepad, I think. It is red because I chose red as a brush color.

Below is another example of using the ink filter. I love how it looks like a photo out of a comic book.

This was a glow filter. Again, it is red because of using the red brush color.
I took the picture below and then realised that someone might not be happy, if I show this on the net. There was a government establishment in the background. I am all about keeping our Country safe. "God Bless the USA!" I support our troops and the fight against terrorism. This picture was take on a fort that closed years ago. At one time, it was a very busy place.
This will show my age, but the picture above reminds me of the days of the "Cold War." I remember having to bring a sack lunch to school of items in a can that would keep for a long time. We were instructed on how to get down under the desks and prepare for a BOMB, if Russia were to try and "NUKE" the USA. Our sacks were labeled and kept in the coat closet. During those days there was a "Red Scare." (I think life was more simple then.)

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Gomey1 1999 Mustang GT6803 views
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Photoshop Fun Photos1596 views
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Last 3 User Comments
Aug 1st, 2010 @ 1:04 AM


honestly thats one sweet verted pony man. ranked ya a 10. hope you stop by an check out my 98 gt vert 5.1Lstroker. have a good one!

Jun 3rd, 2009 @ 9:27 PM


Nice vert!  Ranked you a 10!!  Pop by & rank my 03 supercharged Centennial Edition vert.

May 24th, 2009 @ 5:27 PM

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welcome to Gotstang, Very nice stang love the color and the body kit,  she looks very clean,  Got you ranked, if you get a chance check out my stang.



Thank You! I ranked your stang. Your car is beautiful!!! It is incredible.

Honest, I love my Mustang. I appreciate your comments. I have actually been thinking about putting STEEDA on the windshield. I have not decided, yet.

Your car is one of the sharpest ones ever!

as for the steeda sticker it took me some time to install that but its was worth it best of luck

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