My 2004 Mach 1 - Azure Blue 2004 Mach 1 Mustang - Mach 1 Fireman -
GSM# 002598
Mach 1 Fireman
My Mach is gone..



My 2004 Mach 1

updated: Nov 21st 2006 @ 07:13 PM
God Bless the U.S.A., all firefighters, police officers, and EMS personnel. Also, all military personnel serving either here or overseas, thank you for your service.


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Well, as some of you may know, I lost my Mach 1 on 10-22-06.  Here's the story:
It was raining on my way into work this morning.  I was actually doing less than the speed limit, came down a hill and hit a spot in the road that water was running across. As soon as I hit it, the Mach went sideways, and I had no chance to correct. It was a 2 lane road and I went off across it and down about a 30-40 ft. embankment. The cops said that I rolled twice then came to rest on the driver's side, roof first against a tree. Hence the mashed roof.

When I started to go off the road, I closed my eyes leaned back, and told myself: "Self, you need to relax completely so you don't get hurt real bad." I remember 3 big bangs then a stop.

The first thing that I did was make sure nothing was broken with me. Then I made sure the car was not on fire, and turned off the engine. That's right, it was still running. I made a quick assesment of my situation, and decided that I needed to get myself out. The road I wrecked on is a well traveled road, but it was around 5:30 am on Sunday morning and I knew if I waited, I may be there a while.

I ckecked my options, and they were few. I couldn't get to the passenger side window and the back was still intact (it broke when they pulled the car out). I squeezed out of the driver's window, climbed up the hill and waited to flag someone down. God was with me on many aspects this morning and the first car to pass me was a police car. He called for an ambulance, and I went to the hospital.

I'm fine. I have pretty bad air-bag burns on one arm, and some bad cuts, but that's it. No broken bones, no permanent damage. I am very thankful for that fact.
Here's the pics......

For those of you that don't know me, here's what the Mach used to look like.........


The Mach engine

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(my first mod...)

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Inside the Mach 1.

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Got my prestige tag, finally.

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Last 3 User Comments
Jan 18th, 2009 @ 5:43 PM

“” great car !!! got ranked.

Mar 23rd, 2008 @ 8:48 PM


got ya ranked. stop by and check out my 03 GT when you get a chance

Nov 13th, 2007 @ 12:18 AM


So sorry you lost the Mach!! Just saw the pictures on your GS Page...hope you get another least you are alright!

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