Project - Color 1998 "Black Bullitt" Mustang - thorco3 -
GSM# 002157




updated: Jun 22nd 2007 @ 12:44 AM
----WOW!!! I've been away for a long time... a lot has changed in the past year or so.  The v6 that is seen on these pages was totalled in January 07.  Within a week of wrecking my 98 I had purchased a 95 GTS and had it shipped all the way from Pennsylvania to Indiana.  As soon as I find the time I will create some new pages to show the new car.  Heck I had even changed a lot on the sixer and it looked totally different that these pictures... time to update some stuff!-----
First of all THANKS for visiting.  My site is a work in progress so bear with me here.  I've got quite a few plans for the car this summer so I will try and keep the site updated.
So... a word about me.  I'm a young punk and I go by thorco on most of the forums I frequent, particularly 3.8mustang.  I'm currently a junior in college and working full time as well.  But enough about me, on to the stang.
This is my second car and it's only a sixer but I love it.  I've put a bit of money into it and take care of her as best as I can.  She's not exactly a rocket on the road so thus far i've focused mainly on appearance... this should be changing this summer though.  For more specs on my 98 "black bullitt" check out page 3.
NEW EXHAUST!!!  6/3/06
I've been running around with the limp noodle tailpipe for way too long.  I went with Spin Tech's pro street mufflers, custom h-pipe, and dumps.  The dumps are kind of a temporary setup untill I can get some custom SS tailpipes fabricated for her.
I also just recently repainted my brake calipers so there are a couple pics of that too.
Be sure to check out page 2 for interior stuff, page 3 for detailed info on mods and future plans, and I've just added a page 4 for videos.
Thanks again for checking out my stang

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Page Listing
Project 9894 views
Interior & Engine1583 views
Mods List and Future Plans1357 views
Videos... work in progress page1254 views
My... other ride1548 views
Page 6 Description1006 views

Last 3 User Comments
Jan 20th, 2008 @ 8:00 PM


very nice lookin stang, ranked. drop by and return the favor sometime.

Apr 18th, 2007 @ 5:21 PM


Nice ride got ya ranked.  Come check out mine when you get  a chance.

Apr 11th, 2007 @ 12:15 PM


clean!!!! ranked ya high

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