Where It all began - Red 2002 Mustang Mustang - SSSTANG - gotstang.com
GSM# 006475
232 v6



Where It all began

updated: Jan 22nd 2008 @ 10:50 PM
So the car started out like most cars BONE STOCK, and I only have one picture of the car in stock form which I can't find right now. However I'll be sure to add it later.
Anyway It started like this.
16, parents promised me a car (yay!), we went to Houston, TX to search for a vehicle. At the time I could have cared less about speed I just wanted something to drive. After looking at a few civic's, eclipses, we finally made it over to the fords, and chevys. I looked at an f150, a v6 camaro, and finally this Mustang. I don't know what it was, or why but thats what I wanted and thats what I ended up with. (thats again Mom & Dad!)
 So owning a v6 mustang comes with a lot of responsibility, this includes keeping up with the hondas, and nissans to uphold the mustang name. However lacking two cylinders this could be quite a task but who knew.
My mods were more cosmetic than they were performance. I went with dual exhaust, original 40 series flows because I wanted "sound", and then audio mods. Replaced the factory door speakers, put an amplifier on them, went through 4 or 5 different sub setups, body kit, rims, etc.
Anyway enough of me talking here are some pictures, you know a picture is worth 1,000 words.
This is how the car sits now. 
This is the car after I the body kit



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Last 3 User Comments
Feb 12th, 2008 @ 10:10 PM


Welcome to GS .. Hope you like the site. Great LooKing Ride .. I ranked you highly

Feb 3rd, 2008 @ 12:40 PM


Welcome to GotStang, very nice work and mods she looks outstanding, ranked ya, check out my stang when you have a chance.


Jan 28th, 2008 @ 12:30 AM


Some very nice transformation work .. got ya ranked a 10 for all that work

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