- GOODBYE TO ALL by Sexystang03



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blog Thursday, June 01, 2006 @ 3:16 AM

To all the wonderful people I met on GS I am sorry but as of today I will no longer be a part of GS. If you want to get in contact with me my email is I will definately stay in contact with whomever wants to with me. It is time for me to get into reality, not everything on the net is cracked up like I wish it could be. I am a real person with real feeling and would never harm a soul. I realized today how much I could get hurt and I dont need to deal with the stress. I have enough of that in my life as it is. Anyway please stay in contact with me thecarphotoguy1, lengedary, Scott I will miss you. Judy I have your number baby I will call you. Coop you are a real person with a warm heart. There are so many of you I care for so much. Please accept my sincere appolizies. I luv you guys
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Jun 1st, 2006 @ 4:18 AM

What in the world happened girl..??  I will miss you for sure!!  Me and 2K5 will email you on yahoo.. 

Jun 1st, 2006 @ 6:34 AM

Hey Baby, call me on Tuesday, I will be in Carlisle for a few days!! I will miss you Sweetie, but I know where to find you and I will be over there to see you and the others!! Love Ya Girl!!!

Jun 1st, 2006 @ 9:00 AM

Damn women, why you leaving me? If you decide to do this you WILL be missed by many, including me of course!!!! Best of luck on whatever you do decide to do!!!! If you need anything from anywhere on the net just let me know.

Jun 1st, 2006 @ 9:37 AM

awwwwwwwwwww sexy.... i hate to hear this... you are wonderful and hope you find something to fill the void in time you are going to have now

Jun 1st, 2006 @ 8:28 PM

Hi sexy sorry to hear your leaving ... But you know this place is full of snobs and maybe your doing whats best ........ If they would realize the cars are what we are looking at and not some of these haalf dressed female who ( like on i saw ) are trying to people peep shows then things would be like they are here :-(

Jun 2nd, 2006 @ 12:22 AM


*Note to J*

If I miss understood and it was merely an over sight on your part that you didn’t give Sexy a reply ..then I apologize, but to show more public concern shown for one member who is leaving over another upset me. Every member is an asset. Especially ones like Sexy and I’m not saying this to be offensive to you but you stated for us to let you know ...come talk to you ect ..So that’s what I’m doing ... as in business ... the worse thing to have is a custom that is dissatisfied and leaving never saying anything and never come back ..It’s much better if someone lets you know there is a problem so then you can work it out.


Jun 2nd, 2006 @ 12:29 AM

Those are my posts above .. I dont know why my name didnt show up

Jun 2nd, 2006 @ 12:35 AM

Those are my posts above .. I dont know why my name didnt show up

Jun 2nd, 2006 @ 11:03 AM

The last time she left the site a few months ago, she nicely told me that the next time she had a problem with the site she would contact me.  Last time she left I did all I could to make sure she stayed.  Im not really used to people leaving the site and coming back and then leaving again.  Its really getting childish.  I have users who want to stay and need help with the site that I am focusing on right now.  1 Time is enough.  I wish there was something I could do

Jun 2nd, 2006 @ 2:56 PM

you copuld try actually being involved with your memebers.  maybe that wouod help things along you know.  but instead you are too worried about other things, everyone should ban together but its not lke that.

Jun 2nd, 2006 @ 6:18 PM

sexy.....WOW! another big asset to the site..gone! i still wanna see the blue carpet.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Jun 2nd, 2006 @ 10:43 PM


I agree with jay here.  He is only one person who operates and maintains this site, which incase you didnt notice, is ALOT of his time.  This site has a TON of things to do and its a TON for him to keep up with.  1 time should have been enough. Believe me.  I hate to see sexy go, as well as the other members who decided to leave.  HOWEVER....

This site is for fun, it gives us all something to do and allows us all to share 1 common thing that we all love, our mustangs.  This site is not our life.  What others say, or do, or how they vote etc shoudlnt matter.  its a freaking website for crying out loud!  thats it, a website. Nothing more than images on a computer monitor which are breaking people down emotionally.  It really is sad.  People should wake up and realize that if they end up with a "loss" pony icon in their faceoff results, its NOT the end of the world!! 

If someone buddy votes, and a lesser car wins...who cares?!?! If i lose something, i can give 2 craps.  because I know what ive done to my car, i know how "I" like it and how "I" want it....i also know that ive been here awhile and most members know my ride and appreciate it...Ive made more friends than i have rank points.......isnt that what really matters?  not everyone will like my car, but alot of people do....If my car, or something ive done to it, inspires just 1 other stang lover, or puts a smile on one kids face when its in a show.....then i am happy....I have accomplished my goal.  I am a true stang lover.  give me all the losses you want, bad mouth my car all you want, none of it matters after that.

You cannot find another mustang site which gives its members what gotstang? does.  If you cant be happy here, chances are, you wont be happy anywhere, because eventually it will start all over again.  If there is a problem, mention it.  if you have a suggestion, bring it to the table.  most here are adults and should be able to resolve issues without "throwing in the towel"  I agree, its childish.

Ive said my peace...if any of it makes sense lol

I wish everyone who left the best and hope they find what they are looking for. 


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