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The Third Jihad

blog Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 10:26 PM

Well today we did Anti-Terrorism training and cultural diversity training.  Here is the big presentation that hit home for me this is a brief description:
About The Third Jihad

The Third Jihad
Radical Islam’s Vision for America

The Hidden War
There’s a war going on and the major battles take place right here in America. It’s a hidden war against the freedom and values we all take for granted. The enemy is taking advantage of our country’s democratic process, and using it to further its own aims.

Most people, busy with their daily struggles don’t even realize there’s a war.

And that’s just the way the Radical Islamists would like things to remain.

The War Revealed
The Third Jihad is the ground breaking film that reveals the truth. It exposes the destructive aims of Radical Islam and its mounting threat for America and the world. It covers all the major players- the radical extremists and the leaders trying to stop them. The Third Jihad will update you on the most urgent issue of our time in ways you can’t find in the media.

Inside the Film
Using footage from the Arab media, the mounting dangers of jihad are uncovered:

The numerous terrorist threats since 9/11, and the likelihood that more are being planned now.

The threat of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists.

The subtle dangers of non-violent cultural jihad and its influence in America’s universities

An update on radical Moslem prisoner recruitment.

The Major Players
Leaders and experts featured in the film include: American Muslim Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of NYC, CIA Director Jim Woolsey, NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, Senator Joe Lieberman, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, and former terrorist group member Tawfik Hamid.

Did you know?

In recent days Obsession, an award winning documentary produced by the film makers from The Third Jihad has been under media attack for "spreading hate against Muslims."

Are the accusations true?

Many newspapers insist they are, but have only presented one sided views. Information from those who know the most about the film has been conspicuously absent from these accounts.

Myth: "Obsession and The Third Jihad movies are anti-Muslim."

Reality: The first material shown on the DVD, are the words, "This is a movie about radical Islamic terror. A dangerous ideology fueled by religious hatred. It's important to remember most Muslims are peaceful and do not support terror. This is not a film about them."
"The movie makes a clear distinction between moderate Muslims and the extremists who have hijacked Islam to incite violence. Our film is about radical Islamists, not Muslims." Raphael Shore, producer of Obsession and The Third Jihad.

Myth: "Obsession and The Third Jihad encourages people to hate."

Reality: "I have yet to see any examples from the media about what specifically qualifies it as inspiring hatred or fear of all Muslims. Not a one.

"You can disagree with the arguments of the film, which assert radical Islam is a present threat. Why is it hateful, though to suggest that it is a threat, and make a film about it?

"You may not like the film, or disagree with its arguments about the threat of radical Islam, but undercutting the film as bigoted and Islamophobic, and calling on (the media) to censor Obsession discourages diversity of opinion and free speech."

Andrew Geist, Daily Vanguard

Myth: "Clarion Fund Productions are being used to influence the American presidential election."

Reality: Obsession was marketed to 28 million homes to coincide with the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Polls show that the determining issue for the U.S. presidential election is the economy, not foreign policy.

"Getting the word out to Americans regarding these threats is very important and that is why we have launched an effort to reach as many people as possible through a variety of methods…CNN reported that our distribution was considered to be helpful to the Republican effort. This was not our intention and is untrue. We are not looking to influence the vote…Our websites feature homeland security positions for both candidates. This documentary has helped millions of Americans learn about the threat of radical Islam. Raphael Shore, producer of Obsession and The Third Jihad.

Myth: "After seeing Obsession and The Third Jihad people will suddenly treat their Muslim neighbors differently."

Reality: "Fear that people will see Obsession and The Third Jihad and suddenly treat their Muslim neighbors differently or violently show a lack of faith in the average American's judgment. Again, there are some loonies and evil people are out there, but that's another issue entirely." Andrew Geist, Daily Vanguard

Myth: "Obsession is purely propaganda."

Reality: Obsession is an award- winning, thoroughly researched documentary. It contains actual footage of radical Islamist rallies and calls to violent jihad against America. It interviews Muslim and non-Muslim experts on radical Islamism. Radical jihadists are filmed telling their own stories. Unedited footage from Arab television depict the education and indoctrination of Arab children in the classroom, where they are taught to value jihad. Real footage of a suicide-bomber induction ceremony is shown as well as speeches in Middle East mosques and in London and New York City streets, preaching the Islamization of the world and the destruction of the Americans and the British.

"The movie is responsibly made, to suggest otherwise is a distortion of the truth. Why…condemn us for warning about radical Islamists who want to kill Americans?" Raphael Shore, producer of Obsession.

"A feeble attempt to attack the messenger." Wayne Kopping, Director of Obsession.

the video we watched was a little over 60 minutes here is a free 30 min video summing it up.  


this isnt some political thing im trying to throw out there its a veiw of a large majority of Islamism their views and thoughts of the WORLD not just the US 1.3 muslims please read and watch the video and pass the word on
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Nov 26th, 2008 @ 10:33 PM


no comments thought ideas input

Nov 27th, 2008 @ 9:54 AM


happy t day to you too ive been over there 6 times now


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