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The Block is cracked

blog Thursday, November 23, 2006 @ 12:34 PM

So I was thinking of swaping the engine and tranny into a new car, yeah it looks like that that's not gonna happen. I got a call from the shop that has the car they said the block was cracked from the impact, that kinda ruins my plans to transplant them (I still wanna see for myself I trust no mechanic but myself) anyway I also found out from the other guy's insurance co. that he had a cap of $25,000 of what they can pay out for a car after they had already offered me $38,000 for the car. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me. So now I'm going to have MY insurance company go through that whole process again and take another month to pay me less that what I truely believe the car is/was worth. It's gonna take some time.

Just giving an update ladies and gentlemen

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Nov 23rd, 2006 @ 5:21 PM

the only problem is, there is no insurance company in the world who will pay for the aftermarket parts and mods done to a car (unless you inform them of each one done as you do them)  They typically pay the least amount the car could possibly be worth.  No offense, but no one in their right mind would pay $38 for the car...im not saying thats not what its worth to you, or covers what you have into it, because im sure it meets or exceeds that.  but in their eyes, they dont care, its a stock car to them no matter what.  Your lucky to even get book value...so with that said, i would say take the $25k and run.

Nov 23rd, 2006 @ 7:21 PM


yeah, you can add stuff on, as long as you provide receipts and make sure they have updated photos of the car each time.  not saying he didnt, but 99% of people who modify or add things to their car dont do this.

i know i didnt, and when my $500 cobra r hood was destroyed, they only gave me $300 for a used GT replacement.  so, take that and multiply it by however many mods you have etc, and it adds up quick.  Thats the other thing, insurance companies dont often estimate "new" parts.....they almost always go used as well.

Nov 23rd, 2006 @ 8:55 PM

sorry to hear that man.

Nov 23rd, 2006 @ 9:59 PM

in a nutshell, thats what i was getting at....$25k is alot for an insurance co to put out, and to get more, he will need to provide proof of everything done to the car, ie pictures/receipts.

Nov 23rd, 2006 @ 11:04 PM

Some nice advice my insurance guy gave me is to keep all receipts, email order comfirmations, virtually all pieces of paper that came with the mod like the install instructions and stuff and take pix of the mods and keep them in a 3 ring binder for just such problems .. he owns like 20 stangs and has done this from the day he bought each car .. not to mention if you take it to a show that book makes an awesome conversation piece

Dec 1st, 2006 @ 4:07 PM

I actually did that.  Both my and the other guys insurance companies have seen the site.  I think it helped.


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