Stop posting radar photos and approve my hunt! lol
what it doesn't say is how freakin hot it is!
please.... i'm in don't know what hot one day in Iraq in An Najaf the thermo said WTF!! lol... it was 142!!
yes i'll approve the hunts asap!
142? UM...yea no good; my fox a/c was never refilled after the last engine pull
I think i'd bury myself in some sand or something and wish for death
just look how up to date this doppler is!! it's almost in real time! lol... to find J's hunts!
I come now to "gotstang" to get my weather report
LOL awesome! I think J should have this doppler on the Lobby section. I'm working on a new app for android.... the pocket doppler
Looks great. Looks like we are getting hammered with storms tonight
That's nice. We don't need one of those for southern nevada. In Las Vegas it's just HOT. 117 yesterday and 115 the previous two days. It's not 142 like over there but it's hot.
i think once you hit triple digits... it really doesn't matter
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