- Well, The past few days have been a blast! NOT!!!!!! by GirlzGT



Bought a new mustang today
Such a sad, sad day.
Time to sell the mustang :(
Final payment on car.
Somebody tried to break into my Stang!!!

Well, The past few days have been a blast! NOT!!!!!!

blog Monday, October 16, 2006 @ 8:50 AM

for those who seen my last blog regarding my mustang with snow on it...well...that was just the beginning of what would become a NIGHTMARE!!
Shortly after posting that blog, we lost power.  This was thursday....we still dont have power today!  The storm which no weatherman saw coming, dumped over a foot of snow in my area, and over 2 feet in surrounding areas!
Normally, this is not a problem for us, except for the fact that all the trees still had leaves.  branches and trees falling everywhere!  I had a tree land on my house, a pwer transformer in my yard exploded...the line fell on my neighbors chain link fence and sent the current right to her house, whcih in turn set the side of her house on fire.....
In a power for 4 days+ = kill myself. power was lost to nearly 400,000 residents....My work finally re-opened, so i could get on my work pc.  Buffalo NY was declared a disaster area and is still in a state of many trees fallen everywhere, THOUSANDS of power lines fallen and in the streets, no red lights working anywhere, driving bans still in effect for alot of areas, and there is a "boil water" advisory because the water authority has no power to purify the tap water....  
This is the worst i have seen it since i have lived here.  its amaziing...I have pics on my camera of my property during and after the storm.  I will post it when i get my power at home back up.
I have checked my 40 message on here and see i have lost a JFO with roush rocks...congrats to him!
As for my snow hunt pics...i only took 2 pics, and they are the ones i posted in my last blog...they really arent from 2 different angles, but maybe you will all let me slide if i put the claim in?  lol
anyway...from tree removal, and pure boredom...i am exhausted and dont want to be at work....but at the same time, im glad to be here...(we have lights and the internet lol)....god, how we take some things for granted!! 
Welp....The time has come, and its starting to sink in.
Such a sad, sad day.
Time to sell the mustang :(
Your not going to believe this!! MUST SEE!!
My Wheels + Tires are on Ebay!
Havin some fun...
The Addiction....
Long Time, No Update...
Carlisle Pictures are up!
Well, I'm Back from Carlisle!

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Oct 16th, 2006 @ 9:10 AM

You were without GS that whole time? WOW!!!!

Oct 16th, 2006 @ 9:44 AM

sorry to hear about all that. Hopefully things will clear up for you soon.

Oct 16th, 2006 @ 9:48 AM

i know!!  My only chance for internet was on my cell phone which sux....i cant go directly to any website, first i gotta do a search for it and then go to it...during that, i found a funny site called a few people have seen (based on the posts there).....gave me a good laugh while we were down and out...

Oct 16th, 2006 @ 12:43 PM

OMG Girl you are having such bad luck lately, I hope all gets better for you soon.

Oct 16th, 2006 @ 1:45 PM


yah tell me about it.....we finally got power at home now...found out today my home computer is toast from the surge when the power went out....i had a good surge protector help.  Im hoping its just the power supply that went on it has a little green light on the back that is flashing....i HOPE....

on the bright side, fedex dropped off some more supercharger goodies im happy again. lol

Oct 16th, 2006 @ 1:50 PM

Glad you finally have something Good come your way!!! I hope your Computer is fine though!!

Oct 16th, 2006 @ 8:22 PM

yah...its all over now...65 and sunny today =)....but still a ton of people without power.  here in buffalo....weve seen worse all the time, as far as snow acumulation goes....heck....we even had 7 feet fall in 2 days a few years back!!  the problem was the leavesstill on the trees.....cause alot of havoc!!  funny thing, is no weatherman predicted it...they all said "maybe a flurry or 2" lol...

Oct 17th, 2006 @ 6:16 PM

Those poor trees... great pix though!  I can almost hear the wind whistling, and the wood creaking as snow strains the branches.  Do you have a garage where the Mustang can be kept safe?  (I hope.)  How cool that FedEx still brings stuff even through the worst weather. 

Oct 17th, 2006 @ 7:53 PM

thats exactly how it was.  Yes, the mustang got a little snowed on because it started just before i left work...but she was tucked safely in the garage. can always count on fedex working no matter what...only down side to that is both me and my hubby work for them so that sux!  lol.

Oct 17th, 2006 @ 8:27 PM

put the pics up for the hunts..i dont see any reason why they shouldnt be valid

Oct 17th, 2006 @ 8:59 PM

already did and it was voted valid =)

Oct 17th, 2006 @ 9:03 PM

are you kidding me?????what the F&*%^ IS wrong with people

Oct 18th, 2006 @ 8:06 PM


Glad you guys made it through with no more than the frustration of no power/internet!  We lost cable for a few days (cable internet)...

Broke a 137 years of recorded history!!  on the upside, the sabres are having a kick-butt season, despite the "slug" logo.  At least it was on the radio!!

Oct 18th, 2006 @ 8:10 PM


 already did and it was voted valid =) sorry i thought in read invalid...


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