My new interior is finally done, I have plenty of pics ,but for some reason I'm un-able to down load them from my photobucket acct to here.I had no problem doing it on other sites ,just GS.
Can you post a link? Would love to see how it turned out.
I second that
Blame the site, thats what I would
Make a folder in your GS photo gallery then just post that link .. It also makes the pics easier to move around if you want to add them to your site.
Ok ,Here's the link to my photobucket. oh well won't let me paste it here. who can I email it to!
I downloaded pics in my gallery,but not sure how to get them to show up here.
We'll go to your gallery and visit and bring the critique back here.
I used to know how to post pics on GS,but now it's a pain in the butt to do! What's the deal!! I can't up-date my GS site or nothing! Did J change servers or something. I was used to the old way of downloading from my photobucket,now I have to learn another way of doing it.Snap!
If the pics in your gallery are the new pics, then your interior is brother..
If it is the black w/ silver inserts and red trim( ONEHOTPONY embroidery & silver pony in the head rest),then yes it's the new stuff. 3d running pony on the head liner.
Does it come with that entourage too? lol
Comes with what? You can go to my GS site and see it in the interior section!
Talkin' about the pics in your gallery of the girls clad in denim... Anyway, your interior smokin' man..
Got Ya! no doesn't come with them! Hehehe . I put some more pics on my GS site! page #5 interior section.
Wow James. That is absolutely beautiful. They did a great job and you picked a good combination.
Thanks! only problem is the gold flakes in the red paint clashes with the silver,so now it looks like the red has to be re-done with silver flakes and silver metal flake racing stripes. But I love the looks of the interior,so i'll do the silver flakes. This leather is so soft and when it get older ,it won't have the cracks in the grain like the original seats did. That head liner is killer! Just sets it off perfectly.
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