Well I haven't figured how to put it in the blog,but if you go to my GS site page (5) interior you can see it.
Looks good man! My custom interrior will be ready on Monday
Thanks!What color is your going to be? Can't wait to see it.
Charcoal grey and black
Awesome job on the interior. Custom to the max and it fits the car perfectly. Saweet!
Love the liner on the roof too
Thanks! The painter called me today& told me that the car is going to be basically re-painted,because the silver metal flake and gold flakes clash ,so the plain is to re-paint the red and mix silver flake in the clear to put on top of the red. Still this is going to be the best for the car's paint. Just getting tired of re-painting this car!
Definately looking f'n sweet. Big upgrade from the red seats. I like...........
Thanks! I agree on the up-grade from the red...
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